Monday, December 13, 2010

Oh - It's December? How did that happen?

OK - before I let Hannah back on the computer to add some pictures I've just gotta say - I lost the charger to my camera - so I couldn't charge the battery - so I couldn't take any pictures - but now I bought a new one - so today you can have your Hannah fix - but tomorrow I need to go down to Rochester - to be with my dad in the hospital there.  Thank you Sheri and Matt for being understanding!  OK - now, back to Hannah.


I am back having fun with Jan today.

And I found a new spot - look what I can do!

Up I went - but only one step --

See - I'm getting soooooo big!

Jan kept telling me she missed me - and is sorry she has to be gone again.
I just like playing with the teapot and teacups.